丸田木工 - Ride TV Board


Wood Type
White Oak / Walnut

W1574 x D439 x H371 mm
W1774 x D439 x H371 mm
W1974 x D439 x H371 mm

Design in JAPAN
Made in JAPAN

Ride TV Board出自桐木櫃專家 一 丸田木工,以黑色玻璃和櫃桶的波浪 更加型格方向設計 Ride TV board 雖然由日本製造,但價格卻非常實惠。而且款式也十分易襯,能避開地腳線之餘,也有橡木和胡桃木兩種選擇。另外,Ride TV Board 設計比平常電視櫃矮一點,但其實這個高度是專門為家中用大電視的客人設計,放上大電視後高度就會剛剛好,不會看電視看到頸酸。
Wood Type: Oak
W1574 x D439 x H371 mm
預訂時間 LEAD TIME • 1 - 2.5 Months (± 2 weeks)

ALOT 進口傢俬主要來自日本中部、福岡、北海道以及泰國,所以到貨時間會就不同品牌的訂單截止日期,和到香港後清關情況影響。請向我們查詢最新的到貨時間。

ALOT imports furniture mainly from central Japan, Fukuoka, Hokkaido and Thailand, so the arrival time will be affected by the order deadlines of different brands and the customs clearance situation after arriving in Hong Kong. Please check with us for the latest arrival time.

丸田木工貨期 Lead Time of Maruta Mokko


Some of Maruta Mokko's products are in stock in Japan and can arrive in one month at the earliest, while other series that require special production will take about two months to arrive.

品牌介紹 ABOUT Maruta Mokko


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