Hickory is exceptionally heavy, hard, strong, and shock resistant, but flexible with a coarse and straight grain. The hardness of hickory can make it difficult to machine, even blunting metal power tools.

Natural Hickory
(Hong Kong Limited Edition)
Reddish Brown Stained Hickory
Dark Brown Stained Hickory
  • 不同螢幕上的顏色可能有所不同,此資料只作參考。
    For reference only. Colors might be different on different device.
  • 以上物料可以隨時停產,我們會盡可能盡快更新資料,請恕我們無法預先通知。
    The above materials can be discontinued at any time. We will try our best to update the information as soon as possible. Please forgive us for not being able to give advance notice.