shirakawa - TAKUMI Dining Table

Wood Type
Table Top: Black Walnut / Japanese Walnut / Tamo Ash
Table leg: Black Walnut / Japanese Walnut
W1300 x D750 x H640-730 mm
W1400 x D800 x H640-730 mm
W1500 x D800 x H640-730 mm
W1600 x D800 x H640-730 mm
W1700 x D800 x H640-730 mm
W1800 x D900 x H640-730 mm
W1900 x D900 x H640-730 mm
W2000 x D900 x H640-730 mm
*For more size and details, please contact us.
Designed in JAPAN
Made in JAPAN
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ALOT 進口傢俬主要來自日本中部、福岡、北海道以及泰國,所以到貨時間會就不同品牌的訂單截止日期,和到香港後清關情況影響。請向我們查詢最新的到貨時間。
ALOT imports furniture mainly from central Japan, Fukuoka, Hokkaido and Thailand, so the arrival time will be affected by the order deadlines of different brands and the customs clearance situation after arriving in Hong Kong. Please check with us for the latest arrival time.
日本胡桃木有令人舒服的觸感,這種品質使其特別適合經常處理的家具,例如櫥櫃和抽屜。隨著木材的成熟,它會產生豐富的光澤,增加家具的深度和特色。這種老化過程不僅增加了視覺吸引力,還有助於增強 家具的整體風味,使每件家具隨著時間的推移而變得獨一無二。
The grip and feel of Japanese Walnut when touched are often described as pleasant and inviting. This quality makes it particularly suitable for furniture that is frequently handled, such as cabinets and drawers.In terms of aesthetics, Japanese Walnut offers a unique color gloss that enhances with age. As the wood matures, it develops a rich patina that adds depth and character to the furniture. This aging process not only increases the visual appeal but also contributes to the overall flavor of the material, making each piece of furniture unique over time.
就顏色而言,北海道水曲柳通常呈現淡黃色調。這種顏色與其他天然材料(例如石材和紡織品)完美協調。白蠟木的多功能性使其可以融入各種簡約到質樸設計風格。此外, 水曲柳的物理特性也值得注意。它具有高強度和優異的抗彎性能,使其適用於家具以外的多種應用。例如,白蠟木因其耐用性和抗衝擊能力而常用於生產棒球棒和曲棍球棒等運動器材。
Ash wood, particularly that sourced from Hokkaido, Japan, is renowned for its exceptional quality and aesthetic appeal. This type of ash is distinguished by its rich grain patterns and sharp grain characteristics, making it a favored choice for interior design, especially in settings that emphasize simplicity and natural beauty. The unique grain filling of Hokkaido ash contributes to its visual depth, allowing it to enhance the overall ambiance of a space. Its delicate expression has made it a staple in traditional Japanese-style rooms for centuries, where the interplay of light and shadow on the wood's surface creates a serene and inviting atmosphere.
In terms of color, Hokkaido ash typically exhibits a yellowish hue, which can add warmth to any interior. This color variation not only complements a wide range of design palettes but also harmonizes well with other natural materials, such as stone and textiles. The versatility of ash wood allows it to be incorporated into various design styles, from minimalist to rustic. The physical properties of ash wood are noteworthy. It possesses high strength and excellent bending resistance, making it suitable for a variety of applications beyond furniture. For instance, ash is commonly used in the production of sports equipment, such as baseball bats and hockey sticks, due to its durability and ability to withstand impact.
黑胡桃木紋理通常是直的,但也可以有不規則的山形紋路。具有中等質感和適度的自然光澤。 如果紋理筆直且規則,通常很容易加工。心材的顏色範圍可以從淺淺棕色到深巧克力棕色,並帶有深棕色條紋。 顏色有時會偏灰色、紫色或微紅色。 邊材為淺黃灰色至近白色。 還可以看到花紋紋理,例如捲曲紋路和樹節。
黑胡桃木是一種優質硬木,其在各種應用中的使用通常製作高品質而美觀的成品。 這種木材也因其可加工性而受到重視,使工匠能夠創造出複雜而精緻的作品。
Black walnut is one of the most popular tree species in North America. Its high workability, coupled with its rich brown hue, make the wood unique among temperate hardwoods. On top of that, wood also has good dimensional stability, impact resistance and strength properties.
The grain of black walnut is usually straight, but it can also have irregular gable grain. Has a medium texture and moderate natural shine. If the grain is straight and regular, it is usually easy to work. Heartwood can range in color from light to dark chocolate brown with dark brown streaks. The color can sometimes be grey, purple or reddish. The sapwood is light yellowish gray to almost white. Pattern textures such as curling lines and tree knots can also be seen.
Black walnut is a premium hardwood whose use in a variety of applications often produces high-quality and beautiful finished products. This wood is also valued for its workability, allowing craftsmen to create intricate and refined pieces.