SLAB 原木大板 - Sendan 日本栴檀120


Wood Type

W1200 x D740 x H40 mm

Oil Coating

Processed in JAPAN

日本栴檀 Japanese Sendan

日本栴檀的邊材黃白色,心材黃色至紅褐色。 木質結構厚實、美觀、有光澤,質地輕軟堅韌。 可用於製作家具、模型、農具、樂器、建築、船舶等。 在日本,有三個城市將檀香指定為市樹:高知縣福山市、高知市和沖繩縣北谷町。 日本檀香木材極為穩定美觀,具有不易開裂、耐用性高的特性。

The Japanese Sendan is yellow-white, and the heartwood is yellow to reddish brown. The wooden structure is thick, beautiful and shiny, with a light, soft and tough texture. Can be used to make furniture, models, farm tools, musical instruments, buildings, ships, etc. In Japan, three cities have designated sandalwood as their city tree: Fukuyama City, Kochi Prefecture, Kochi City, and Chatan Town, Okinawa Prefecture. Japanese sandalwood wood is extremely stable and beautiful, resistant to cracking and highly durable.

產品於 尖沙咀 K11 Musea 分店陳列中。Display located in Tsim Sha Tsui K11 Musea Showroom.